Where Were You in 1987?

(Original image source https://tinaturnerblog.com)

Either you were shaking your hip to Tina Turner’s music, rocking your voluptuous (and regretful) hairstyle, or you still had the flexibility to use your toes as a pacifier – like me – Environics was already being settled. The foundation of the company results from some research and development started a few years earlier, in collaboration with the Finnish Defense Forces.

Without aiming to share an exaustive run through of all the company’s milestones across the last 33 years, it is important to note that in CBRN safety business, new products are launched in relatively sparce intervals, as it’s visible from the graphic below:

Environics Oy CBRN product release timeline resume.

And if we focus only in chemical detectors, those time gaps become even longer. Apart from chassis and interface development, Environics chemical detectors evolution always revolved around an in-house ion mobility cell patented technology.

Here are Environics CWA / TIC handheld detectors releases so far:

Chemical Agent Detectors M86, released in late 80’s (left) and M90, released in early 90’s (right), Environics Archives
Chemical Handheld Detectors ChemPro100, released in early 00’s (left) and ChemPro100i, released in early 10’s (right), Environics Archives
New Generation Handheld Chemical Detector ChemProX, released in June 2019, Environics Oy

Our latest gem – ChemProX – has proven to be part of a new generation of handheld c-detectors. We are nowadays so used to have all information – literally – at hand, that ChemProX is no exception.

ChemProX is “simply the best” extension for an operator’s senses in the field: it allows for real-time situational awareness through constant communication between team members and command and control centre, it enables a quick check of action procedures, and it has a simulation in-built feature that ensures one is familiar with a real device when starting a mission.

But since I am no engineer, and technical details are far beyond my understanding, take a look into our latest article written by Handheld Chemical Detection Application Manager, Teemu Partanen, and published on the latest issue of CBNW Magazine: “Achieving our AIMS” (pages 58-60).

Would you like to know more about ChemProX New Generation Handheld Chemical Detector?

The views and opinions expressed in Bertin Environics Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Environics Oy. Any content provided by the authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, neither they serve as a scientific statement.


Ana Lopes

Graphic Designer, Marketing Assistant

I am Ana Lopes, a graphic designer that landed in the CBRN world 4 years ago. Besides cherishing for Environics branding development, maintenance, and application, I became a CBRN enthusiast — yet amateur — myself.

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