CBRN Solutions for Military
Conventional CBRN weapons and toxic industrial hazards are an ever-evolving threat that defence and armed forces troops must be aware of.
Real-time CBRN situational awareness is critical for effective risk assessment, and tactical and operational decision making in domestic and international operations.
Bertin Environics provides commanding officers with reliable, adaptable monitoring solutions for a variety of situations and scenarios. Our system solutions are designed to fulfil Military Special Forces’ operational needs, providing surveillance and reporting capabilities.
Why Choose CBRN Solutions for Military


- Early detection of biological warfare agents
- Fast, simple, and reliable BWA identification
- Separate assays for ricin toxin, botulinum toxin, anthrax, pox, plague, tularemia and SEB
- No special training required

- Portable radionuclide identification for detecting illicit radioactive materials
- Prevention against dirty bombs or radiological dispersal device
- Accurate directional information of the radioactivity source location within seconds
- Full reach back capabilities with easy-to-use expert solutions
Usage Scenarios
Armed forces may require CBRN defense solutions in several different scenarios and situations such as CBRN terrorist attacks, national and international crisis management, surveying and marking perimeters of hazardous areas, support of civil authorities, CBRN military missions, among others. Learn more about the applications of Bertin Environics’ CBRN solutions for military applications: