Acquiring and operating vehicles of military and civil defense is a road trip with several stakeholders, changing landscapes and variable requirements for performance, tolerance and durability in demanding environment and situations. New vehicles are designed and manufactured, and old ones are retrofitted to include new capabilities, when needs and requirements evolve. As an Application Manager, I sat behind the steering wheel and headed for a drive to explore the benefits of selecting a company like Environics to act as a single supplier for a highly specialized field, such as Vehicle CBRN Monitoring Solutions.

Watch 5 Benefits of Choosing Environics as a Single Supplier for Vehicle CBRN Solutions Webinar

Why Environics

Pit Stop no 1:
Long Experience & Proven Expertise

According to a quote by Russell Baker, when it comes to cars, only two varieties of people are possible – cowards and fools. I do not believe in that – you can make smart choices and select a partner with wide experience and proven expertise in order to avoid the bumpy roads. And even better, if your experienced partner shows agility and has a design-oriented mindset in developing new products and systems for the customers.

Environics is a high technology company and operates in the field of manufacturing, design and implementation of CBRN solutions for more than three decades.

On the contrary to generic system integrators, our own innovations in chemical, biological and radiation detection and software development give us clear advantage.

It shows as special insights, understanding of possibilities and limitations and guidance for appropriate and proportional CBRN solutions.  In terms of success stories, Environics has completed over 100 armored CBRN vehicle installations and delivered 13 Light Reconnaissance Vehicles to date.


Pit Stop no 2:
Customer Orientation Flavored with Requirements of Operating Environment

Like Peter Gabriel has stated, all of those cars were once just a dream in somebody`s head. Dreams can come true in Environics´ constant dialogue and close operation with the stakeholders in the vehicle business – end-users, CBRN filtration suppliers, and vehicle manufacturers. Our holistic design approach has its foundation in three elements:

  1. Robustness and functionality for demanding CBRN operations and harsh military conditions.
  2. Chassis independency to provide standardized solution with flexibility.
  3. Scalability and modularity with room for modification and expansion.


Slippery When Wet:
Fast & Reliable Early-Warnings & Provision of Real-time Situational Awareness

Warn earlier, protect sooner, and live longer – this is true in the context of CBRN threats, too. In the first place, the tasks of CBRN Monitoring Solutions are to provide early warnings for detected CBRN threats, create real-time situational awareness for decision making and initiate protective and other timely countermeasures.

Environics` CBRN Monitoring Solutions take into account the different purposes and roles of vehicles used in the military and civil defense. They fit to every need whether you just aim to ensure the safety of the vehicle crew inside an Infantry Fighting Vehicle at all times, or conduct reconnaissance, survey and surveillance tasks requiring comprehensive CBRN capabilities.


The Final Lap:
Solutions, Services and Support for the Whole System Lifespan

It is your road, drive it your way. Vehicles are expected to have a typical service life of decades, without compromising their essential role and performance in peace time and wartime missions. As for CBRN Monitoring Systems, full life-cycle support is a must.

Environics is engaged in keeping the delivered solutions functional and online at all times, and shows strong commitment in every stage of the customer journey. This involves the initial steps of exploring the needs and paints points, design work, projecting and integrated logistics support.


Getting the Checkered Flag:
Scalable & Modular CBRN Solutions from a Single Supplier = Time, Money, Resource & Effort Savings

“The winner is not the one with the fast car, it is the one who refuses to lose”, said Dale Earnhardt, an American race car driver. Vehicle projects tend to include a variable degree of complexity that originates from vehicle platforms, performance requirements and objectives for high quality and cost-efficiency typically in the middle of budget constraints.

Instead of managing several subcontractors, selecting a single partner for supplying CBRN Monitoring Solutions turns into savings in time, money, resources and efforts.

Environics can ease the burden of vehicle stakeholders with its expertise and optimized CBRN solutions, and help them to concentrate on their essential content and strengths – and to succeed in their final goals.


Watch 5 Benefits of Choosing Environics as a Single Supplier for Vehicle CBRN Solutions Webinar

The views and opinions expressed in the article above are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Bertin Environics. Any content provided by the authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, neither they serve as a scientific statement.


Katja Kiukas

(FORMER) CBRN Application Manager

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