Nearly 20 years have passed and I can still remember when I first saw a gas detector transmit sensor data to a laptop computer! The impact it made on me was amazing yet, dare I say, it made an it made a HUGE impact for first responders.

At first teams were using personnel to carry these detectors into a hazardous environment before returning back out of the “hot zone“.
This worked and allowed for necessary and critical decision. But then it got even better once the robots came in!

Take me to the Application Download

Protecting lives by using robots and drones to carry sensors, among other tools, into extremely hazardous environments is almost now common place. The ability to have data transmitted one way, back to a command and control center is used by numerous response professionals globally.

All thanks to the wireless technology of the sensors and the advent of UGVs and UAVs.

So, what is Environics and the ChemProX bringing to the table?

That is a great question and we feel we have an even better answer!

For the most part, the readings were being transmitted as needed but much of the other functionality of the device down range was not accessible. Not accessible because the robot could not press the buttons on the detector to change its predetermined functional as the detector was sent downrange.

We can call this a “static state” in that the numbers do “change” based on what is present in the environment but the numbers and readings are all the data your able to see.

With the advent of the ChemProX Deployment Kit, your basic set up is the same.

The ChemProX with IMS & MOS sensors, transmitting from downrange, and the ChemProX RU (Remote Unit; can be set up as a receiver or repeater) receiving data in the Command & Control Center.

ChemProX Deployment Kit Enables Dynamic 2-Way Communication

But what is so different and exciting is that you now have “two way” communication between your command and control center and your down range detector!

With ChemProX software (free) you can easily access a “dynamic screen” available on a mobile device to manipulate menus and libraries available on the ChemProX.

ChemProX Deployment Kit and Dynamic Communication

ChemProX Deployment Kit enables dynamic communication for remote detector control.

1. Use the trend line to locate the danger. // 2. If a geneneric alarm appears… // 3. … use the dynamic communication capability to change the detection mode — in this case, from TIC to CWA — and drill the situation further, to classify the detected chemical.

This dynamic functionality can be “field adapted” to existing equipment. It gives the user a much better understanding of what hazards they are facing.

Isn’t that the kind of information you’d want to access, if it were available for you to access?

We’re pretty confident we know the answer to that question!

Would you like to know more?

Unmanned Chemical Reconnaissance App Note

Download the Application Note and gain access to exclusive content on our Unmanned Chemical Reconnaissance Solution, such as the components of ChemProX Deployment Kit.

Please contact us today to see the device at an upcoming event or to schedule a live demonstration of this, as well as our “built-in wireless training” feature available on every ChemProX. We’re here to help.

The views and opinions expressed in Bertin Environics Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Environics Oy. Any content provided by the authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, neither they serve as a scientific statement.


Robert Ladzinski

Business Development Manager

I am Robert, a seasoned technical sales person with a solid CBRN and HazMat background, who has been in touch with the community for over 20 years. I have have been in the safety business my whole career. Currently I am Business Development Manager at Environics USA Inc (Environics USA Subsidiary Office).

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