From 24th to 29th of July a team of experts of the SSTC NRS (Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety) conducted a survey on Ukrainian territories with potentially radioactively contaminated soils, materials, infrastructures, foodstuff, etc.
RanidSONNI mobile laboratory had a key role on monitoring and processing real-time data, as it can be induced from SSTC NRS dosimetrist Oleksandra Slepchenko´s statement: “We used RanidSONNI reconnaissance vehicle and visited Sarny Forestry, a kindergarten on 17 Soborna Street, Sarny water canal and the central food market. The maximum dose rate of 0.12 microsieverts per hour was recorded on the territory of the forestry; 0.09 in the kindergarten; from 0.06 to 0.12 in the territory of the water canal; from 0.06 to 0.12 in the market. As you can see, the radiation background of the checked objects is within the normal limits”
Even though most of the measurements returned results within the acceptable dosage limits, thanks to the unique features of RanidSONNI, SSTC NRS experts revealed in Novohrad-Volynskyi a building around which an increased gamma- and alpha radiation was detected. Considering that a children’s playground was located not far from the contaminated infrastructure, necessary procedures have been followed.
Civilian residents from the surveyed towns in the regions of Zhytomyr, Volyn and Rivne, had a unique opportunity to use free services of the RanidSONNI mobile laboratory and see if there were any dangerous radiation anomalies around them, as well as getting their own berries, mushrooms, water containers, fat, meat, horseradish, salt, medicinal herbs, tobacco, and many other personal items tested.
For more detailed information regarding the “RADIATION SURVEY by Towns of Ukraine” tour, please check the SSTC NRS website, more precisely the articles from the links bellow:
- Information Tour “Radiation Survey by Towns of Ukraine”. Day 1: Korostyshiv
- Record-Breaking Number of People Wishing to Check Products for Radionuclide Content in Sarny
- Boom in Liubeshiv: More than 50 Containers of Water to Be Checked
- Radiation Survey by Towns of Ukraine Lasts. Day 3: Manevychi
- Information Tour “Radiation Survey by Towns of Ukraine” Finished in Korosten

RanidSONNI during SSTC NRS Towns of Ukraine tour. Picture courtesy of SSTC NRS.
Besides being part of the tour mentioned above, RanidSONNI was also an essential tool used by a team of experts from the SSTC NRS when surveying radioactively contaminated materials near Kropyvnytskyi, after unidentified persons conducted unauthorized land works in the area. Once again, regardless of not showing significant increase of dose rate on the territory, the radiation background in Kropyvnytskyi was measured using RanidSONNI mobile reconnaissance vehicle. Please find the whole article from the link bellow:

RanidSONNI during SSTC NRS Towns of Ukraine tour. Picture courtesy of SSTC NRS.