Sampling consists on the retrieval, for analysis, of material known or suspected to have been employed in a CBRN incident, or of material suspected to have been contaminated in such an incident. The selection of the most effective sampling point can be done by using an adequate CBRN detector.
Sampling and Identification of Biological, Chemical and Radiological Agents (SIBCRA) is defined as the collection, transportation and identification of suspected chemical, biological and radioactive materials within a chain of custody.
This webinar is approx. 30 min long and will give you a practical and easy-to-follow approach on the topic of “CBRN Sampling”, with useful hints for your daily activities!
This session is hosted by CBRN Capt. (Ret) Mr. Toni Leikas, who is also CBRN Specialist and Training Manager of Environics. With approximatelly 20-year experience in training and education of Security and CBRN matters, Mr. Leikas has trained operators from over 50 different nationalities, from First Responders to Scientists.
This webinar was originally recorded on May 7th 2019.

General Requirements for CBRN Sampling
- PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and special clothes and vests.
- Personal First Aid kits with antidotes and personal decontamination set.
- C + RN handheld detectors and dose meters.
- Documentation material and equipment such as camera, GPS, video recorder, sketch maps, sampling evidence sheets, etc.
- Suitable sample collection tools and material which are clean, disposable and indivisula packed (forceps, spatulas, scoops, scissors, bags, vials, test tubes, etc).
- Sample labeling and datasheets.